Volunteering isn’t just about giving back; it’s about personal growth, community building, and skill enhancement. At 1st Helmsley, we recognise the transformative potential of volunteering, especially for our leaders.
Investing in our leaders is important to us. We believe in equipping them with new skills, fostering personal development, and cultivating meaningful connections. One way we achieve this is through specialised training days, such as our recent tomahawk training session led by the skilled instructor, Andy.
During this intensive day course, participants delved into the art of axe and tomahawk throwing. Beyond mastering the physical techniques, the training covered essential aspects like health and safety protocols, risk assessment, and effective teaching methods.
The result? Four newly trained leaders, two young leaders, and two proficient instructors ready to impart their knowledge safely and confidently.
By offering such opportunities, we not only enhance our leaders’ capabilities but also empower them to enrich the scouting experience for our members. Together, we’re not just volunteering; we’re growing, learning, and forging lasting bonds that strengthen our community.